Please read the Tribler overview in our scientific
Journal publication.
Note that this publication reflects an older version of Tribler, all the latest research findings are listed below.
Completed and operational
- Give-To-Get: Video-on-Demand protocol to stream Bittorrent videos
- PermID: Permanent Identifier of peers to enhance the security of Bittorrent
- MerkleHashes: Secure identifiers of content which removes the need for .torrent files
- OverlaySwarm: A secure method of communication between peers in different swarms
- CooperativeDownload: Double your download speed by sharing upload capacity amongst friends
- Content search & recommendation: Websites for finding .torrent files are no longer needed, Tribler knows what you like and finds it
Ongoing research
- GUIconcepts: Simply make it look stunning. Add Friends, Previews, Messages, etc. (Flash demo)
- DistributedTracker: Replacing the bittorrent tracker with a gossip protocol
- SocialOverlay: Comparing the p2p network with the social network
- P2PWebhosting: Challenges of P2P content hosting
- Moderation: Clean and rich metadata for swarms
- SocioCast: Social extension with friends and voting on moderators
- SuperSeeding: (Bernard) Hashing and memory problems when seeding 5000+ files
- NATtraversal: Connect to peers without hindrance of NAT and Firewall equipment
- BarterCast: a protocol to exchange the altruism levels of peers. Altruism is defined as the amount of uploading versus downloading of a person
- Buddycast3: This version of BuddyCast adds ratings, comments, faster .torrent collecting, access to more content due to RSS subscription integration, and superior scalability
- TagBasedRecommendation: How to do tag based recommendation in a distributed environment
- P2PWidgets: A proof-of-principle app store/widget collection without a server
- ModelingBitTorrent: Mathematical models of bittorrent behaviour
- LiveStreaming: tit-for-tat with streams
- SwarmSize: Tracking the popularity of content with robustness
- MultipleDescriptionCoding: Split video into separate streams that can be decoded individually
- MultiBitrateSupport: Support multiple bitrates in a single swarm and maximize video quality under dynamic download speed constraints
- DownloadPerformance: Performance analysis of the download core and implementation improvements
- SupervisedTeaming: (Boudewijn) Removing free-riding by forcing team-members to upload to each other. Positive side affect: allows removal of team members that do not meet upload speed requirements
- GUIBandwidthSharing: Show the good and bad (upload) behavior of peers using tables and graphs
- SeedingIncentives: Provide an incentive for uploading
- FullIncentivisation: Provide an incentive for all 9 actions in P2P such as uploading, search, staying online, port forwarding, ..
- ClickLog: The foundation for a Google-like efficient keyword search algorithm in a zero-server setting
- SwarmDynamics: Prototype of visualising in real-time the upload and download dynamics of peers around you in swarms
- SimilarityFunction: Calculate the taste similarity of peers around you and foundation for a semantic overlay
Publications on Tribler and related P2P technology (publications)
Doing PhD or Graduation Project
If you want to do a Masters thesis project, please read
this with all details and example planning.
If you want to do a PhD. please look at the list of available positions.