Alexandru Iosup is with the Parallel and Distributed Systems group, TU Delft, NL, following a doctoral track in Computer Science. Before this, he has received a M.Sc. degree from the Politehnica University of Bucharest, RO.

His involvement with Tribler dates from 2005, when alongside Dick Epema, Johan Pouwelse and Pawel Garbacki he has performed the largest BitTorrent measurements and analysis to date. The results gave evidence that the bandwidth of the average BitTorrent user has doubled since 2004, and that the BitTorrent users have become more technology-savvy, providing a nice incentive to further improve the network. He has further contributed, with the same collaborators, to the design of the 2Fast cooperative download protocol (later renamed "Download Booster").

He believes that Tribler is one of the best projects that can come out of a Dutch university think-tank: it is designed to allow the society to legally fight (copyright) monopolies, it tries to use the "all-equal" (peer-to-peer) paradigm, and it favors people to form clubs of same interest (for the "Download Booster").

In his spare time, Alexandru likes to:

  • move a little: basketball (low-level Dutch league), football (European soccer), tennis, badminton, ski, snowboard ... you name it!
  • move a little more: travel around the world, hike around and up some mountains, take lots of photos
  • think a bit: go (13-15k KGS), chess
  • direct fairness: baskteball referee (E-level Dutch competitions)

Contact Alexandru

Alexandru Iosup

address: Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft

tel: +31 15 278 4433

Room: HB-09.050
