Crawl of the Friendster social networkDuring my master thesis research, I did a web crawl of the Friendster social network. Data formatIt's a gzipped relations text file with on each line: [user-id1],,[username1]->[user_id2],,[username2] This means that user1 with user_id1 and username1 has user2 as friend (an edge between user1 and user2). The friendster graph has been crawled by storing directed relations. This means that both user1->user2 and user2->user1 may be in de relations file. General informationFurther information about the crawl:
Using the dataIf you like to use the crawl data, please contact me or the Tribler team.
ReferenceIf you have used the data in any publication, please refer to my Research assigment (unpublished):
Assignment, November 2005.