From the FreeBand website: Freeband is a joint initiative of the Dutch Government, knowledge institutions and industry and, as a research programme, forms part of the Government action plan 'Competing with ICT Competencies' (CIC). The programme's objective is to raise knowledge regarding modern telecommunications within Dutch knowledge institutions (universities and institutes) to an international top level. Within this objective, the programme focuses specifically on the enormous new challenges emerging in telecommunications. The development of knowledge relating to '4G' or 'fourth generation telecommunications' in particular will be given a lot of attention. The I-Share project investigates the sharing of resources in what we coined virtual communities consisting of heterogeneous and transient nodes and networks. Virtual communities are (virtually bounded) groups of nodes that are willing to share resources and to help each other for the benefit of individual and system performance. As a particular case, we consider the sharing of resources for processing multimedia streams (e.g., compression), as this faces the sharing nodes with significant challenges in terms of the volume of data, the processing requirements, and security. The I-Share project concentrates on mechanisms for trust, for willingness to share, and for resource discovery in virtual communities (work package 1), as well as mechanisms for distributed and layered content-processing algorithms utilizing the resource sharing in virtual communities (work package 2). Demonstrations and validation of the developed algorithms and software are also planned. Tribler was won the 2006 Vosko Trophy for Business and Innovation! We are very proud of this prestigious award and very happy with the beautiful artwork and 10.000 euros. |