Getting Started

Start using Tribler in 5 steps.

1. Download and install Tribler

Download Tribler and follow the instructions during installation.

2. Run Tribler

When you start Tribler the first time Tribler connects to other users. From these users you get information about the files that are available in the tribler network. You can browse through these files, or search on a keyword.

3. Browse through content information and download what you like

From the content displayed, you can select an item and see at the right side more detailed information about this item. By pressing the 'download' button the selected item is being downloaded to your computer and will be available in your Library.

4. Find files on the internet

If you are looking for more content, you can find it for example on the following websites that provide perfectly legal content:

Here are also several direct links to movies:

5. Subscribe to RSS feeds

You can find lots of fancy content on many websites. Some of them provide RSS feeds, for instance, You can subscribe to the rss feeds in Tribler and then it can get fresh content for you everyday.

Here are some RSS feeds of legal contents:
